
The Scuola 3D’s project is an ambitious idea, new of its kind in Italy. It was born with the aim of virtually bringing together all Italian primary school children. Two of the main objectives of the project were to allow children to explore the world of information technology and to experience digital citizenship. Children can access a variety of topics, such as history, geography, art, human anatomy and more.

For this great project, I created a multimedia CD, aimed at children in kindergarten and primary school, which includes multiple functions: learning, play and train. This project inspired me to create a variety of creative content where children can use their imagination to create their own illustrations and animations, with the support of video tutorials categorised by ability levels.

The entire project was supported by the Istituto Pedagogico di Bolzano (Italy) of the Regione Autonoma Alto-Adige Südtirol.

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  • 2006 / 2007
  • UX / UI design
  • Istituto Pedagogico di Bolzano


In these images you can see some sketches and concept art.
Also, some snapshots captured while browsing the CD.